Thursday, 4 October 2012

Six Over Six - Circadian Rhythm Review

SixOverSix – Circadian Rhythm 5 Track Ep.

SixOverSix are a 4 piece all the way from Dublin, Ireland!

The first track of the EP, ‘Skyline’, begins with a small guitar intro, frantically followed by enticing vocals leading into the chorus, which happens to be extremely catchy. More of the same follows, in the same way, until everything you thought you knew about this song changes! The tempo slows, some double bass kick in, and then all of the sudden with the Synth raising its voice,  paired with sound effects  and the tempo picking back up, you can’t help but love everything about this song.

The second track is a bit of a contrast to the first, more of an acoustic track, Sung beautifully in a fantastic way that works extremely well with the lyrics. Repeating the lyrics ‘You’re in my head, you’re in my head’ with the underlying drums works brilliantly, you fell like having a sing along!

Third on this EP comes ‘The Little Debts’. This track is almost a mix between the first two tracks, by no means is this anything like an acoustic track, but the meaningful lyrics are there, but at the same time, it is not as upbeat as the first track, yet it still has a soothing sound.

Next on this EP is ‘Clockwork Origin’. This song is similar to the third song, it feels like a combination of the first two tracks, starting slow and slowly building momentum and noise, although, this song still has its own feel that you really need to listen to, to understand.

Finally we have ‘…and His Father Before Him’. This is the heaviest track on this album, and contrast to the previous 3 songs is welcomed as a surprising contrast. Beginning with some enchanting guitar and lyrics, this song quickly draws you in and never lets you go, closely listening to the lyrics and bold shouts of ‘OH….OH’, you find yourself wanting to sing along.

All in all I was very impressed with this EP. Enjoying the contrasts between each song, and the meaning and tempo that varied between them. Personally I will be following this band closely to see what they can produce next. I strongly recommend that readers of this review give this EP a listen.

Overall rating : RRRR Fantastic EP

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