Monday 17 September 2012

Sunset Rise - Losing Our Originality

Sunset Rise - Losing Our Originality

Sunset Rise are a four piece Hard-pop rock band from Doncaster.

Recently we have been contacted by a few local bands which is great for us and just what we were after. Digging out the great local bands is what we want to be known for as well as working with the big guns in rock music.

Sunset Rise are a perfect example of what I have been looking for, real raw music and a glimpse of the future. Granted the recordings are rough but from some of the rough demo's I have heard in my time I can see the potential in these guys and I will be keeping a close eye on these guys!

Narcissist,Perhaps isn't Strong Enough - The first track on the demo really demonstrates the bands creativity and shows us that there is a lot to come from these guys yet.

Like A Gunshot - This song is more paced than the first and again demonstrates that the guys are capable of playing all styles of songs and that the vocals and instrumental can match any of today's big bands.

Masquerade Murder - This is where the Hard-pop kicks in with the opening laying down a very heavy riff and vocals lifting into screams and shouts again showing that the band are capable of adapting to try new things.

Only Girls Hit Girls - This is a pretty deep song if you listen to the lyrics which is another point to make on the guys, they have to be credited on their writing ability as well as the performing side of the tracks.

The Kingdom - This song is the softest one from the demo and shows that the band have covered every angle when writing songs including styles of music that everyone can enjoy.

All in all I would give a lot of credit to Sunset Rise and would say they have a shot at becoming a big name in music if they keep at it and get more recordings done, go give the guys some support and let them know what you think by checking out their Myspace here :

Track Listing (Losing Our Originality)

1 - Narcissist,Perhaps Isn't Strong Enough

2 - Like A Gunshot

3 - Masquerade Murder

4 - Only Girls Hit Girls

5 - The Kingdom

Riff Final Rating : R R R


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