Monday 17 September 2012

Whole Sky Monitor - Twisted Little Piggies

Whole Sky Monitor - Twisted Little Piggies

We have an interview coming up shortly with Leeds based Indie Rocker's 'Whole Sky Monitor' before the interview though we have been sent a copy of the bands new album 'Twisted Little Piggies.'

Looking at the press release that was sent with it I was expecting something fresh and old school like music should be. And I wasn't disappointed! Whilst many bands these days are aiming for stardom and going very mainstream with pop-punk songs Whole Sky Monitor are the complete opposite.

Many people may not have heard of the band, I hadn't heard of them until Ian Cheek, their press contact introduced them to me, and I am very thankful that he did! I highly recommend checking them out, especially if you are a fan of similar bands such as Alkaline Trio.

Whole Sky Monitor have a very unique sound to them and are very easy to listen to. The album is very easy listening material, the music goes very well with the vocals and the lyrics really drag you in to the song and make you want to listen to the song and hear the lyrics, not like most songs these days where all you do is listen out for catchy choruses and pop beats.

Granted Whole Sky Monitor may not be for everyone, but you can't deny that they are a great band and deserve to have more recognition than they currently have.

Twisted Little Piggies brings a whole lot of kick-ass punk power with it and only a true punk fan will realize how beautiful this album truly is. It packs awesome lyrics accompanied by brutal music and amazing vocals, it just flows so perfectly.

Their previous album 'Bland Bland Bland' was very highly rated and if that is anything to go by then I guess it shows how great this band is.

The album 'Twisted Little Piggies' was released 4th October 2010 through Firebomb Radio Records.

My final word on the album is that I highly recommend buying it or at least checking out the band and seeing what they are capable of doing. If ever you need reminding that punk is not dead then Whole Sky Monitor are a big slap of punk in your face.

TRACK LIST (Twisted Little Piggies)
1. Freakshow
2. Church of Love-in
3. Sold
4. My Regeneration
5. Drone (Revolution)
6. La Mouche
7. Shoot the People
8. Idiot God
9. Abusive
10. Ten Floors
11. White Skin Suit
12. Twisted Little Piggies

Final Riff Rating: R R R R R


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